Saturday, September 17, 2011

{Post #803} Mailbox Re-do ~ Easy Peasy!!

I was inspired by this mailbox make-over.  It's from here.

Our mailbox (before below) needed sprucing up.  Since we had the same type of box and post, I figured ours would look good like this, too.  Instead of paining the numbers (as was my original frugal thought) I bought reflective ones.  My husband cut out the wood, nailed on the letters, and attached them to the post.

I cut the dry clematis vine off at the ground (not sure what will happen come spring), removed the gray Velcro straps that used to hold the vine up, and sanded the grunge off the post.  Then I wiped the wholel thing down and applied a coat of black matte finish paint.  I got carried away and painted our (nearby) lamp post, too.  Monday I will go out with the paint and a small brush to paint the screw heads black, but here is the finished product (taken in complete dark with a nearby streetlight for flash to take the picture, but see how those numbers SHINE)...

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