Sunday, September 8, 2019

{Post 1,684} Pumpkin Seed Pillows

I am going to see my sister soon. She lives very far from me. I saw her when my latest grandson was born less than two months ago. She mentioned a random comment...”You know how much I love pumpkin decorations.” Until that very moment, I did not know she loved pumpkin decorations. I L-O-V-E pumpkin decor. So I decided to make her a thing or two. First up is this pillow. The pumpkin area is hand quilted with a quilting pattern called “pumpkin seeds”. The actual pillow pattern is the same name. Pumpkin Seeds. I love the way this turned out.  Click on the picture to see a close-up of the quilting.

So much that I made another one for my family. I pieced it tonight because I’m going to have a lot of hand-quilting time on my hands in the next two days.

I plan to quilt this one in a very similar fashion.