Wednesday, September 7, 2011

{Post #797} New Front Door Decoration

This is a decoration that I can see using every season (or until I grow tired of it).  I had hoped to embellish it a little with "something", but I don't yet know what that something is.  On my birthday last month, a dear friend brought me a large purple (my favorite color) chrysanthemum.  I had seen this idea done in a slightly different way, so it was time to try it.  I went to a local "indoor yard sale", run by a mission that benefits from the sales and got this little TV table to transform. 

One of the great things about it is that the pot sits down inside the table, so it won't get blown over.  A little black spray paint and light sanding, and voila!


I was going to put one of my artificial pumpkins on the floor beside it, but it kept getting blown away...time to buy a real one!



Raewyn said...

What a stunning transformation Joan - looks like you are putting your time without your machine to good use!

LuAnn said...

I love your idea. I have space for something outside my front door, too. Your mums are pretty.

Leeanne said...

Very warm and welcoming!I love the black with the red door.

Ruth said...

Very nice! Ditto what Leeanne said! I need to spruce up my front door now.