Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stained Glass Quilt Windows?

You might not be aware of this, but in our family of ten (nine at home right now) we have had a lot of illness these past few weeks. Stomach flu has been the number one yucko.

So, every morning, after I wake up (before even getting out of bed), I mentally try to recall who is ill, who is recovering, and who is not sleeping in their bedroom. My main reason for this is that I cook breakfast nearly every day. Benjamin (my 6th child) was sleeping in the living room last night because his little brother got the stomach flu again yesterday. They are ordinarily room mates.

Evidently someone thought it was too bright in the living room and used my month-by-month quilt to darken it. When I went in there this morning, it looked like a stained glass quilt. Above is what it looked like as the morning sunshine tried to pour in through the sheers that normally adorn this large picture window.

Here is a picture later in the day when the sun was more overhead and not shining directly through that particular window. They also have unzipped two of the three pillows from the back of our leather couch to allow the sleeper a little more room.

I am still working on K's binding, but this was a fun subject for another post.

I got one of my favorite scrap quilt books spiral bound today. Office Max does the sprial binding for a small fee. This makes the book so much better for using during the cutting and piecing process. That way, the book lies flat or can be folded back and does not try to flop back closed. The book is "Simple Strategies for Scrap Quilts". It's one of my favorite scrap quilt books. I was looking through it just last night and saw a spool quilt in there set on point. That's how I am going to set mine. I love inspiration through pictures.


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