Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fall Decorations, Take 3

This little group is to the left in the foyer, across from the mirror in the last picture. The ceramic birdhouse is from my secret sister of a few years back (hello, Jean!). I got the stars at the same store that is sadly closed now. I've always liked them, and now finally have a set of my very own (got them when everything in the store was 75% off). The oil lamp on the right is ancient. We use it from time to time. Provides nice ambiance...and light if/when the power goes off. I think I got the little basket on the peg shelf at a discount store (maybe Big Lots?) after the holiday for 90% off a few years ago. The little viney leaf thing on the shelf was another post-holiday sale. It just fills in some spaces and makes it look slightly more interesting.

Next we look AHEAD.

~*~ I'm adding this after the original post. I enjoy seeing other people's homes so much. Perhaps too much! I like to see how people decorate. I am not impressed by a museum-like home. Our home is VERY lived-in. We home school, so the children are here most of the day. We are all here most of the time (all 10 of us), except when my children are at work. My DH works from home, too.

Since there are so many of us, we use every square inch of our house. I have a few small areas (like the shelf above) that I think of as decorating areas. To be honest, now that I think about it, most of our decorations are on walls. I have one small table that you'll see in the next post that is also a decorating area.

That must be why we have so many wall quilts. They don't get knocked over, spilled on, broken, etc. Another mystery solved!

Someone commented on wishing they "had money to spend on decorating like I do". If you know me at all, you certainly know that I spend little to nothing on non-essentials. In the above picture, for example, my father made the shelf (thanks, Dad), so that was free to me. He provided the wood, talent, and time for it. The birdhouse was a gift (free). The stars were $3.50, I think. That's a lot for me to spend on a decoration!! The oil lamp was $1.00. The vine was 25 cents. The basket was $1.00 (came as is, with the flower arrangement). So don't be discouraged if you don't have a lot of money to spend. Take what you like, arrange it nicely, and be happy with it. Look for after-holiday clearances on decorations. I'll probably see you there!~*~



Suzy said...

Your fall decorations are beautiful. I love fall. It's my favorite season! :o)

Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous!!

Wanna come decorate my home?