Wednesday, May 9, 2012

{Post #969} Bricks in the Barnyard

Here is my humble beginnings of Bricks in the Barnyard (I will probably change the name at some point, but that's the pattern name in Bonnie's book).  I am making this for a friend whose favorite color is blue, so I am using a blue with stars fabric for the consistent color and muslin for all the creams.  I don't have many light-colored shirts.  

I used a couple "medium" value prints, but they washed out too much, so I replaced them.  Here are my blocks WITH the mediums and the bottom picture is where I replaced them with other darks.

~Joan, enjoying another laundry/sewing day :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

{Post #968} Got Log Cabin?

Someone told me they wanted a picture of my complete log cabin quilt top, the one I started hand quilting with little fans.  I thought for sure I'd posted it here at some time, but here it is again.  The bottom right corner is where I started the hand quilting.  The backing is folded around to the front at the top.

I got nearly two MORE fans done today.  I'm on a roll!

Well, I just searched for it, and here is a post where I show the whole thing, too.  But I've already written this post, so I'll leave it!


{Post #967} Scrappy Bargello Halfway There

My Scrappy Bargello is halfway there.  There are six sections to this quilt.

There are two fabrics that touch in this layout (bright orange in the two on the right near the top and bright pink in the two on the left closer to the bottom), but they won't even be in the last 3 sets, so I can put the new ones between these and they won't be as noticeable.

I sewed on this while I was cooling down from a workout DVD.  It's my reward to me for finishing it!

I was helping my son sort his dirty laundry this AM, and you KNOW I was eyeing his plaid 100% cotton shirts.  I may have gone around the bend on this sewing with shirts compulsion.  A couple weeks ago I was coming home from the store when I spotted a trail of clothes/linens along the roadside.  It looked like a suitcase or laundry basket has slowly leaked...a sock, then a sheet...later a shirt, a pair of pants...PJs...etc.  Wait--a shirt??  It was plaid!  Was it 100% cotton??  You know, I actually thought about turning around and going back to check.  One woman's trash is another woman's treasure, right?  FWIW, I did NOT go back to check.  But the next time I drove that route, I did peek to see if the clothes had been picked up.  Oh, boy!


Monday, May 7, 2012

{Post #966} Very Short Post

You know it's a bad day when a suitcase lands on your head.  Just sayin'....

I started hand quilting this with small fans today.  Got nearly two fans finished while giving my children their yearly achievement tests.  All I do is sit and wait for the timer to run out.  Good time for hand quilting, huh?  Well, that and cooking, cleaning, vacuuming, etc., etc.