Thursday, July 25, 2013

{Post 1,218} Shooting Star is Finished Plus New Mini

It almost seems anticlimactic, but here is the finished Shooting Star on the wallbed.  I had never measured how big to make it, but I wanted there to be enough overhang for two people to be well covered (a former guest complained that the quilt on the bed was too small).  This drops about 18" on each side, so I think that is good!  Since it's a wallbed that gets put back up on the wall every night, too long is a complication as well!  Once the bed is against the wall, the bifold doors on each side close over the front, making it look like a closet.

I have picked out my next mini and wanted to try their construction technique before I used my own.  Here is the first star, which finishes at 4" square.  PS:  I used their technique, which was to cut out all the triangles instead of the flip and stitch with squares and rectanges that I usually do.


Angie said...

Oh Joan, oh my, I do LOVE that plaid star quilt!!!

Christina said...

So here it is in the room :) and on a wall bed - how interesting. Did your husband build the wall bed? what a neat way to have a bed in the guest room. And I would happily sleep under that quilt :)