Tuesday, July 17, 2012

{Post 1,012} Northern Comfort Center Finished

Here is the center of my Northern Comfort.  I will add the two borders soon.  I think a complete cleaning and reorganizing of my sewing room is on the horizon (and I shudder in fear).  I will add the borders for this and then decide if I'm going to keep it, gift it, or sell it.

It measures 49" x 64.5" now.  I added more rows than the original quilt pattern called for.


Leeanne said...

Those cream centres are screaming for a feather wreath design.

Anonymous said...

It's gorgeous!!!!! Are these mostly tb, Joan? I visited a couple of quilt shops (one at Canmore, one in Winnepeg - near the Forks River Market, and one in Ketchikan on our trip), and tb seemed to be very scarce. Is there a prob with availability?? It's very scarce here in Australia - at least where I have enquired. I just wondered????
btw, I thought of you when we visited Whistler - I wonder why!!

Me and My Stitches said...

Very nice! I vote for gift it...do you need my address? Hahahaha... I also vote for before and after pictures of your sewing room!