Friday, January 22, 2010

Do You See What I See??

What to my wondering eyes should appear, but my first Christmas Cactus bloom in many a year!! I have had this plant for about 7 years, and it is blooming for the first time. I enjoy my houseplants. Can't explain it, but I like caring for them. This poor plant has been bloomless for so long that I couldn't remember what color the flowers are going to be...but I think they are white. That is just what I would pick!

Here's a progression of day-to-day pics, starting 4 days ago. I must not have noticed the blossom for a few days. That's not surprising since I didn't think there was anything to look for!! The pics are a day apart.

Day 1:
Day 2:

Day 3:


My niece's quilt arrived in OH safely yesterday and they love it. So glad!


momtofatdogs said...

My neighbor gave us 2 Christmas Cactus. One for me & one for DD#1. that was 18 months ago. They finally bloomed after I moved them inside to "winter" in the basement.

Mine bloomed pink. So pretty.

Oh! I am also "wintering" dark blue Masja Hydrangeas & Angel Trumpet stalks.

The Angel Trumpets grow like weeds - they are also poisonous - that being said - would you like to have an Angel Trumpet stalk this spring? I rooted about 4 or 5!!!


Jeanne said...

Definitely worth the wait!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Joan! I was given a shoot from a 120-year-old Christmas cactus this year in a small teacup. It already has a bud on it--a very pretty fuchsia color. I wonder what the secret is to whether it blooms or not?

Pensacola, FL :-)

~Joan said...

You're asking ME? I have no idea. I am quite sure you could find some info online. I know it has something to do with alternating the light and dark periods so that they think they're dying and produce flowers to ensure the furtherance of their species! least that sounds scientific.