Sunday, January 27, 2019

{Post 1,608} More Surprises

Timmy was worse yesterday AM, and he was getting worse faster. We decided to take him an hour away to a children’s hospital ER. They were AMAZING with him. I was so impressed with the care, and I am NOT easily impressed. He got anti-nausea medication and ate and drank while there, so we felt like he was much better. This AM I asked him how he was feeling. He answered, “Better than new!” (He is not your average 4-year-old).

I pieced this quilt block for my wire welcome hanger. The black and cream one was not ringin’ my bells, so I looked for something else. I started hand quilting it last night. That is something I can do while we are keeping Timmy. The accent triangles and border are brown. This is more my speed!

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