Wednesday, August 26, 2015

{Post 1,488} Waiting for Binding Fabric

Here is the baby quilt, quilted!  I like the design.  Next time, I'll be sure to get those pebbles traced exactly right.  But I don't think the baby will be very picky.  The design is from a book called Step-by-Step Free-Motion Quilting by Christina Cameli.  I bought the Kindle version of the book.  I like to many of them.

This design reminds me of several abacus, a string of wooden blocks like ones a baby would string on a rawhide strip, etc.  It quilted up soooo quickly.

I ordered fabric to bind this one and the pastel one today on eBay.  

It measures 40" square.

Here is my guest room.  Still needs a lot of work, but my sister and niece are coming Friday to stay, and I had to get something set up down there.  Here are pictures of the side table and headboard in my process of painting them, then a picture of the room as it.  When we were setting up the box springs, mattress, sheets, etc., I forgot to put the bed skirt on.  I haven't planned anything for the walls or anything yet.  The framed star is something I made for my sister, and that is her reminder to take it with her when she leaves.

What we have so far.  The crib is leaving as soon as it's sold.  

In the corner is a twin bed with another twin mattress beneath it.  So the room could sleep 4 adults and a baby.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

{Post 1,487} Two New Baby Quilts

A couple weeks ago, I had to drive my children about 90 minutes away for camp.  Before I left, I Googled quilt shops on the route.  There was one less than a minute off the path I'd be taking!!  There I bought a charm pack of Moda's Fresh Aire prints.  They are 30's style.  I didn't realize so many of them were going to be bright!

Once I got it home, I wondered why I bought it.  They didn't all seem to go together. 

We have a soon-to-be-born girl in our church family.  Off and on, I make the new babies a quilt.  So I played around with some of the fabrics and came up with this design with the addition of muslin.  It measures 40" square.  I will quilt it tomorrow, Lord willing.

Then I started playing with the lighter ones in the set.  I came up with this, which is still a work in progress:

Oh, I failed to mention that I bought a second set on eBay or Etsy (can't remember which one now).  I like them both, but the new parents-to-be picked the brighter one.  

Can hardly wait to add some life in these with quilting!