Saturday, April 4, 2015

{Post 1,473} Where Is Joan?

This has been a very busy month.  I have hardly sewn at all.  So many things fill in those few minutes a day of free time.

I machine quilted my Glory Bound top today.  I planned to just do a couple passes to try out a new-to-me free motion design, but I ended up finishing it.  It is 64" x 80", so it wasn't like it was a small quilt.  This design just went really fast for me.  I used a gold thread.

If you want to see the whole quilt, click on "Glory Bound" at the end of the post to see a shot of the whole thing.

I have also been knitting a shawl.  Will show that next time.

I love Easter.  I believe Jesus died for me, and that is the day he triumphed over sin AND the grave.  Happy Easter to you all.  Glory!