{Post 1,471} All Scrap-A-Plenty's Fault

Maybe this is just a reality check, but I don't think I bought THAT many shirts.  If you click on "shirt quilt" under labels, you will see that I have already made quite a few quilts from shirts already.  

I have so many crumbs of my shirts.  I keep them all corralled, so they are easy to access and keep track of anyway.

Top picture is a string of 2-piecers waiting to be ironed.

My friend, N, of Scraps-A-Plenty made a crumb quilt lately.  Hers isn't made of shirts, but mine will be. Look here to see hers.  I like the zigzag setting, so that's what I am going to try.  I don't have many light shirts, so I just cut up some whole pieces of light shirts.  I will eventually have scraps of those as well.  I need some bright colors.  These are really dark and boring.  

{Post 1,470} Baby Quilt Reveal

Finished this on Saturday.  I didn't realize the Minkee would come in so far, so some of my appliqued circles got cut off.  I debated about ripping them out, but they are still there!  They were fused down, and I figured pulling them off would ruin the background fabric.  These Minkee fabrics are soooo cuddly.  

This measures about 45" square.  Larger than I usually make for a newborn, but a nice size.  Looks much better in person than in the picture.

Nothing is quilted, just layered.  I machine zigzagged around the edge where the Minkee meets the background fabric as well as about 1/2" inside the outer border to secure the folded edge of the Minkee inside the border.