Saturday, January 10, 2015

{Post 1,457} One Border Section Added

Turns out I pieced about 4" too much for one border today.  So I went ahead and sewd it onto the mother ship.  Now I have two long sides' worth of border to piece and attach.  I really like this!  I need to make a note to use more light fabrics in the side ones because they'll be seen a lot more.  Our new bed has a footboard which hides the end of the quilt.


{Post 1,456} Sewing Today

Today I sewed from about 9:30 to 2:00.  I am adding another border of the string-pieced units on the 3 sides that already have one.  That way I can make the bed with a pillow tuck and it will be just the way I want.  

I got about 12 eleven-inch-long sections finished.  They are untrimmed above  I did a lot of chatting and helping others with cutting, answering questions, etc.  Used up tons of little scraps.  About half of the strips were pieced from two, and that takes a little longer as well.

Here is the quilt top I am making for our "new" room:

{Post 1,455} New Picture

If you can't take all these words, there is a pictorial review at the end.

This is sad.  In 4 days it will be a month since I posted.  I had to go back to see what I did share before starting this very long and very overdue post.  

Here's the thing.  My blog page is my "home page" for my browser.  Sure was tired of seeing Katie's quilt on there.  Let's last few posts were spaced far apart.  They were 11/29--new nativity set-up, 12/3--bedroom/sewing room switch, and then 12/15--Katie's quilt.

I had a doctor check up for lab work yesterday.  She asked what was new since I saw her last.  Let's see, attended a birth as a birth assistant which was an all-nighter then catered a breakfast for 120 the next AM, my eldest son married, we kept 8 people in our house during wedding week, I altered all the bridesmaids dresses and baked the wedding cake and 200 cupcakes for that, had early Thanksgiving feast (which I prepared all of the food) for 22 twice that week, real Thanksgiving, gave away a large quilt, drove 10 hours to share a meal with extended family at Benihana's for my MIL's birthday, picked up my 21-month-old grandson to keep for a couple weeks so his mom could rest up so she could give birth Christmas Eve then recuperate without him under foot, my live-in daughter had hand surgery (so I helped watch her son and took care of her), chased older grandson around for a couple weeks, Christmas, cooked and hosted for a lunch for 25 then a fellowship for 50 in my house, New Year's Eve and day, several trips to SC/GA, and here we are!

Here's the past month in pictures...

(At James's wedding):

Family pictures the day before the wedding:

(Adopted "granddaughter" whose birth I assisted at)

New bedroom set-up:

This year's children's ornaments...paper pieced:

My dear friend, Susan, receiving her quilt (we had gone out for lunch, and I surprised her with the quilt, so I gave it to her in the parking lot...classy, classy):

Dinner in Atlanta with a smackerel of the crew:

(My newest granddaughter, held by HER great-great-grandfather who is 96):

(Me and Wes in Hawaii...just kidding):

(And this was making my live-in 6-month-old grandson laugh hysterically):

Today I sew.  Yes.  I sew.  The last thing I sewed was the ornaments shown above.  I made 6 of them.  The little buggers were more time-consuming than they appeared.  There is a local group called the 2nd Saturday Sewers.  My children are at church at a weekend retreat, so it works out perfectly for me to go sew 9:30 to 4:00 then pick them up.  I am looking forward to finishing a quilt top for my new bedroom.  Just determined last night how to finish the piecing.  It's an oldie, but a goody.