Saturday, November 29, 2014

{Post 1,450} Newly Displayed Christmas Decorations

I love the Christmas season.  This weekend is one of my favorites in a frantic, hectic, loss-of-sleep kind of way.  We usually start the process of getting all the fall decorations down and the Christmas ones up the day after Thanksgiving.  My newly-married daughter (March of this year) asked for our lighted house display.  We had 5 ceramic lighted houses.  I had always put them in our foyer, but I was kinda tired of them, to be honest.  

Wes's grandmother gave us a piece of a crystal nativity every year after we were married.  I decided to put it up in my foyer.  Just found the perfect lights for it.  Need to find another set for the bottom level, where the wise men are making their way towards the baby Jesus with their bedecked camel.  I always set them up far away from the manger (after all, it took them two years to get there!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

{Post 1,449} Long Time No Type

Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers.  Our family has been a in a phase of big changes for the past few years.  Adapting is the name of the game.

This year 2 of my children married, and we have had one new baby (so far...another due in December).

I will be updating with the quiltiness going on since the wedding (11/15) at a later date.  

Just wanted to wish you all a fantastic day full of warm memories (in relationships and pies!) and thank you for being a part of my life.

To those of you in New Zealand, Australia, and the like, I love you, too.  Wish you had a Thanksgiving holiday!