Thursday, August 21, 2014

{Post 1,403} Another Leader/Ender I Spy New Project

When will it end?  I always want to try new blocks, use up a little more fabric, etc.  So the end is not really in sight.  I saw Bonnie Hunter working on some Carolina Chain blocks a few days ago, and I just had to try a few.  Not sure I love, Love, LOVE the pattern, but it does use up some more I Spy fabrics.

Here's what I've got so far:

The blocks measure 5" square (4-1/2" square finished).  This will make a cute I Spy for a baby.  I am going to start some machine quilting soon.  First a surprise project, then some baby-sized I Spys.

Wish me luck!

{Post 1,404} End of Carolina Chain?

These are the Carolina Chain blocks I have finished so far.  I am not lovin' this like I thought I would, so I think it's time to stop.  I have used up bits and pieces of different I Spy scraps.  It is now time to do some machine quilting and binding to finish up some of these projects.

Just found out that another woman at church is pregnant last night, so that's 3 baby quilts to make through March.  So happy for these new lives.

These blocks finish at 4-1/2" square, so this top will be 27" square w/o any borders.  I might make more blocks...I might add borders.  But this isn't speaking to me, so it's over for now ;)