Saturday, January 23, 2010

Susie is Hand Quilting!

My Susanna (aka Susie) pieced a very cute I Spy quilt top some time ago. I offered to machine quilt it for her, but to my surprise, she wanted to hand quilt it! I gave her a short little lesson, and off she went. She is following in her older sisters' ability to do much with little instruction.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Do You See What I See??

What to my wondering eyes should appear, but my first Christmas Cactus bloom in many a year!! I have had this plant for about 7 years, and it is blooming for the first time. I enjoy my houseplants. Can't explain it, but I like caring for them. This poor plant has been bloomless for so long that I couldn't remember what color the flowers are going to be...but I think they are white. That is just what I would pick!

Here's a progression of day-to-day pics, starting 4 days ago. I must not have noticed the blossom for a few days. That's not surprising since I didn't think there was anything to look for!! The pics are a day apart.

Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:


My niece's quilt arrived in OH safely yesterday and they love it. So glad!